
pottery the potter

Karen Dubois began her ceramic journey in high school, continuing her explorations after graduation at Montgomery College in Maryland. She took a brief hiatus from clay when she married in 1984, had four kids and homeschooled them all through High School. Luckily, the clay always waits, and about 10 years ago, Karen returned to its call!

She began taking classes at Bill Van Gilder’s pottery school in Frederick, MD and also discovered classes at Frederick Community College, where they have an extensive ceramic program. It was there that Karen experienced what would become her favorite firing method: Wood! She gathered a wealth of information and experience during her time there, working with accomplished ceramic artists like Joe Campbell, Shane Sellers, John Thies, Peter Callas, Dick Lehman, Jackie Brown, John Dix, Judith Duff, Joyce Michaud, and several others who taught or guest taught at Frederick.

In 2010, Karen and her husband Bryan left behind five feet of snow and relocated to western North Carolina, and soon met Village Potter Melanie through mutual friends. That led to Karen joining The Village Potters as their first Apprentice. After a year of finding her way through the clay and glazing process, Karen continues to find herself, and in October of 2012 she became a Resident Potter with The Village Potters. Karen continues her adventures in clay, researching and testing glazes, teaching beginner classes, and adding to the fabric and soul of the Collective that is The Village Potters.


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